Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In which I inform you that groceries are over-rated after I have spent grocery money on nothing edible, and then act as if Amy is my only reader

Both out today. Both must-haves. The CD is John Mayer...that boy is a talented song-writer. I love his lyrics. And his voice. He could sing me the phone book and I'd listen all freakin' day long, I swear. This CD is just as good as his last, Try! by the John Mayer Trio. Bluesy. Raspy. Lovely.

The children need music in their lives, don't they? Note the justification for depriving my offspring from sustenance on the basis of developing their cultural lives. It's a valid point, isn't it? I'm not just reaching here people, I have a point! They also need a mother who has had her daily fix of Grey's so that she is not cranky and jonesing. [1180 minutes to catch up on before 9/21? Sure, no problem, it's not like I'll have to fix meals anyways...cold cereal it is. Blue Box mac and cheese. Hot dogs. Sandwiches. All good].

Speaking of needing music in their lives? Connor, the middle boy, got his French Horn today. Chocolate, alcohol, and a strong ability to tune things out will be required. Not necessarily in that order.

Pray for me, would you?

His holiday concert is on a Monday evening, Aunt Amy...I am sure he will subject you and Uncle "Feece" to the torture, I mean, invite you!

He told me they are singing songs in choir that his teacher says are "guaranteed to make the parents cry".

I doubt it.

Last year they sang songs from around the world...nothing too holiday-ish...they must be politically correct at all costs. I can't see more songs about the tropics and monkeys (yes, they sang a song about monkeys on an island at a holiday concert!) making me weep...I'm just sayin'.

It should be noted for fairness' sake that our school is public, and not a religious school and I understand the situation and need for religious sensitivity, but couldn't they do holiday songs from all different religions to include everyone? Instead of excluding everyone? No? Just monkeys climbing palm trees? Got it. Maybe the monkeys will at least wear a winter hat or something this year? I can dream, can't I?

In knitting news: I just got an email that my Tilli Tomas yarn is being scheduled for pick up by UPS and should be on its way. Maybe early next week? Can't wait.

I've cast on FOUR times now for Amy's birthday socks. FOUR. It's simple 2x2 rib. But it's kicking my ass. It might be the needles, my first time on metal dpns instead of bamboo. Don't worry, Amy. My goal is either Rhinebeck or your next birthday, whichever the yarn wants. You know how moody yarn is.

Speaking of...Rhinebeck that is...it's time to plan our pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I can only do Saturday because Al is flying home on Friday and out again on Sunday...we'll talk. I can always just meet you down there for the day or something...

Got to run...papers to grade.

Ick...I should have been a chiropractor...no homework.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how I love reading your blog! I think I will see you tomorrow, so we'll talk about our pilgrimage. Remember, being a chiro means no (much deserved for teachers) summers off!!!!
Ya know, you just might have to help me design my own blog one of these days....

8:47 PM  
Blogger pacalaga said...

The parents will weep because you will all be listening to children who've had less than two months' worth of lessons.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey, guess what? Gray's A. has started on on one local TV! What took Croatia so long! I live it! (only two episodes so far, but be sure I won't miss any).
And horns, trumpet,... while was in music school (I played piano) sometimes I had to guide trumpet player! Still can remember first time he played close to my ear - what a shock!

12:51 PM  
Blogger Procrastiknitter said...

Ok, so fessup! Where are you at on the episodes? I'm hoping I get season 2 this week for my birthday. Also, how is school going?

10:53 AM  
Blogger Procrastiknitter said...

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10:53 AM  

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