Saturday, March 31, 2007

The yarn for my Elizabeth Bennet Cabled Cardigan from the book Fitted Knits by Stefanie Japel came from WEBS the other day... It is the colorway called "Sweet Pea". The color is a little less Pepto Bismol pink than this in real life. Of course, the moment I got it, I immediately wished that I had gone with the lavender color from the photo from the book. Oh, well...I need a pink sweater, and I am sure once it is knit up, I will love it. I can always make another some day in the lavender, right?

For me, this is the biggest dilemma with my knitting. Choosing a color and sticking with it. I tend to love a color, have to have it, and then when I get it. Heh. I fall out of love. Apparently, I am fickle.

I have put aside the Rusted Root. I got WAY too depressed after the misaligned lace panel business and the frogging. Oh. The frogging. It was hard. Anyway, once again, the luster is off of the project and so, it languishes in my knitting basket. Well, the knitting basket in the livingroom. That particular basket is a bit like a WIP Purgatory. When I am really into knitting something, I goes in the bedside knitting basket. I love to knit while propped up in bed, watching my super-kick-ass HDTV. (I've become a CSI re-run addict).

Clapotis...the never-ending Clapotis. I am determined to have this done for our trip to Vegas next week. I am on the fourth straight repeat. (Of twelve and a half. Then twelve decrease repeats).

I may, in fact, be delusional.

Oh, well, I can always sleep in Vegas, right? And I do have the very long (8 hour) car ride from here to Cleveland on Friday to finish. I could take it on the plane. I could finish it whilst actually in Vegas and that would still count, right? Clearly, it would.

I have to finish it because I bought the coolest shawl pin for it on Etsy.

It came from a seller whose username is Rubyvegas. I couldn't make this up.

7 days from now?

Oooh la la!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

WTF Wednesday

Woke up this morning with no voice. Well, a whispery voice, but not a real voice. Had to go to work as I had promised a fellow teacher to read a passage from a book during her all day read-athon of the Holocaust memoir, Night by Elie Wiesel.


Whispered it with a microphone. It was very dramatic. She said it provided atmosphere.

Picked up Rusted Root to finish the ribbing on the waist, sleeves and neckline so I could wear it to work tomorrow on our Conference Day. Got it all done. I laid it down to admire it and noticed a glaring mistake. Apparently, when I had ripped back at one point to redo a small mistake, I put the stitch markers that marked the lace panel in the wrong spot by one stitch each way, resulting in a wavy panel that looked like supreme crap. Had to undo the bind off and frog at least half of the thing to get back to a point where things were still okay.

Set Rusted Root aside. Fed up for now. Will not be done for Vegas. Instead, I will see if I can crank out my Clapotis instead. If I do nothing but knit in my free evenings, and maybe stay home on Friday, I might get it done in time.

To provide a balm for my knitterly spirits and my sore throat? I bought the yarn, Cascade Cloud 9, for the Elizabeth Bennet cardigan that I was drooling over in yesterday's post.

Pink, of course.

Did you really think I wouldn't get the pink?'s all about the pink. Clearly, I need a daughter.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My newest dilemma

Had to buy immediately:
Fitted Knits by Stephanie Japel
Must have:

Elizabeth Bennet Cabled Cardigan (I love Pride and Prejudice and this sweater!)

Cannot decide on a color:

This is the color from the photo in the book, lavender

This is obviously pink, and well, if you know me at all, you know.
Yarn is close-out from Webs. Almost half price! (Good thing when you need 18 balls!).

Monday, March 05, 2007

Breathing Room

We just got back from Patrick's appointment with the nephrologist. She was optimistic about his progress on the horrid steroid therapy, and doesn't need to do a biopsy at this moment. She is going to continue on with the steroid therapy (in a mildly reduced, although still ridiculous dosage) for another six weeks and see what happens. If he can stay negative for those six weeks that will be wonderful and that will most likely mean he has the better (I use the term loosely) type of the nephrotic syndrome. If he goes positive again, then that is bad for us. But she doesn't expect that to happen.

So, I can maybe breathe a little easier for the next six weeks, and after that? Maybe not worry so much. That would be lovely.

And of course, this means that our much needed trip to Las Vegas is not compromised in any way. Ahhh....

Anyways...lack of posting completely blamed on the abundance of stress around these parts the past few weeks. The past week, in particular, was extra stressful. But, when Jaimi has stress, Jaimi does knit.

Rusted Root progress
I'm about halfway done with the body, and then just have to pick up stitches on the neckline, and finish the sleeves. The pattern calls for those and the bottom hemline to be done in 2x1 rib, but I am considering only doing the ribbing on the neck and sleeves and letting the hemline roll.

A close up of the lace detail...

This is clapotis, of course. I have accepted the fact that I may not get it done in time for Vegas. I'll still try, but I don't know...I am not good at having more than one project going at once!