Thursday, July 19, 2007


Another Finished Object.

Please, hold your applause.
I started this...hmmm...I don't even remember when. That is how long it has been. Shameful, really. Rusted Root on my dining room table
I apologize for the dark photos, it is very rainy here today.

I wanted it to be just one lace repeat longer...but truth be told, I just couldn't take it anymore and wanted it to be done! I have to wear something under it anyway, so it just peeps out the bottom a bit. It's all good. And all done.

That is what's important y'all. It is done. That means my WIP basket is currently empty (socks don't count).

What is up next?

I need to make a baby set for my good friend Michelle who went through the forty stages of Hell to conceive and is expecting a little boy this fall. I am thinking of making her the Pea Pod Baby Set by Kate Gilbert. The yarn called for (Debbie Bliss Cotton Cashmere) is sadly discontinued and I can't find the right color online anywhere in enough I am going to improvise. With what, I haven't decided yet. I think I may run down to a LYS I haven't been to yet and see what they've got.

In the meantime, I am going to wind up the yarn for my Pastaza sweater from Fitted Knits. A good way to spend a rainy afternoon, yes?


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