Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Busy Bee

In my summer hiatus from the Blog, I have:

  • had a Girls' Movie Night at my house

  • finished an object

  • gone camping with the family unit

  • gotten my new Higher Maintenance Hair Style (henceforth known as the HMHS)

  • begun a new object which is kicking my ass--more on that another day, as I am really pissed at the moment at it.

First up: Movie Night

The Table Scape...

Because we are fabulous dahlings...

A Darling Greeting

My personal icon of fabulousness

The Movie of Choice

Blogless Amy guessed just based on the invitation alone. She is a sneaky, crafty girl. Not as many of girlfriends could come as I had hoped due to it being in the summer and all. Apparently, a lot of them take vacation. Who knew? But those who did come had a nice relaxing time. I hope.

At the end of the night (and two pitchers of Mimosas), they decided to take just one picture of the event.

Delilah and I in our fabulousness

Next? I did manage to finish my sweater. I hope it fits. It looks a bit small-ish.

I had a knitting epiphany while blocking it and based on reading something, somewhere (I've lost track now). I've been knitting sweaters in my bra size. This is not ideal if you want to put something underneath it.


Then, we were off on our family vacation--camping here. We are old school here at Chez Finley. We roll in a tent.

No sissy pop-ups or trailers for this family.

We had a great time, although it rained for a big chunk of the time. We did make it to the beach.

We found a salamander which we imaginatively named "Sal". I know. We spent a lot of time around the fire.Some of us spent a vast majority of the time annoying his older brothers...I'm not sure which is more amusing to me...the look of blatant disgust and annoyance on Connor's face, or the complete lack of caring, disregard and not giving a shitness on the Bug's face? It might be a draw.

Some of us knit in the dark by lantern light. My husband thought this was a bit excessive. I may have uttered the phrase "Bite me" under my breath at him. Maybe.

Me and zee Bugness.

The big joke of the weekend is that Mommy needed the Happy Juice (see the pink cup?) so that we could all have a good time. The Captain. He is my lover. I'm only sad that, after the long weekend, our affair is almost over. (Good thing I can pick him up anytime I want to, eh?).

Notice also my hair, if you would. This is the last picture of the old hair on record. Notice its lack of style, its complete ease of wearing due its casualness. It is boring. It is plain.

It is gone.

I was smart enough to take a picture last night after I got home from the 3 hour cut-color-highlighting marathon since it will never look this good again. Well, not until I go in for my 6 week trim, anyway. I have to go out today for all sorts of HMHS gadgets and gizmos to make it look this good.

But, I love it. It is very new and modern. And different. All good.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And...I'm spent

(Austin Powers reference...I am a nerd).

Well...I am finished with Harry. All of him. (4,100 pages in 30 days=137 pages a day) Although to be honest, most days I read 300-400 pages and there were many days I didn't read at all.. My husband is a bit disgusted with how fast I read but once you start you cannot stop. So I didn't. It was good while it lasted...but nothing can last forever.
I have been busy besides Harry, of course. There has been knitting:

I have one sleeve completed and am started on the other on my Fitted V-Neck Sweater from Fitted Knits. This Cascade Pastaza yarn is really lovely to work with. I will use it again, I am sure.

I have also started school clothes shopping. For me--not the boys, lest you get confused. I started with shoes.

Aren't the socks a lovely addition? I am breaking them in around the house. I wore them last night out to dinner with my good friend Colleen, and they hurt, so today...socks it is. These are supposedly very hot this season, a buckled ballet flat. So, look at me...I am hip.

Also hot his Fall? Peep-toe pumps or slingbacks. I've seen a lot of these worn with opaque black tights and plaid skirts. Love them. They are actually comfortable. I may have to wear them with socks around the house just a bit to break in the toe area...but they are so cute. I love them. My dormant shoe fetish is re-emerging I am afraid.

I also bought a black pencil skirt (and am going back for one in grey, as grey is very hip as well this season), a white blouse with puffy sleeves, a black trench coat, and a couple of other shirts. Working on bringing some classy professional looks to my usually casual work attire.

My high-maintenance hair cut experience will take place on August 28. Stay tuned.

Next up in knitting? The Pea Pod Baby Set for Michelle knit in Knit Picks Swish DK in Moss and then this:

The Cobblestone Pullover from the Fall edition of Interweave Knits, in Wool of the Andes in the Arctic Pool color for Alan. He says I never make him anything...and he is right. Well, I did make him a scarf in the early months of knitting that is really more of an ascot...way too short.

So, I owe him one...and he is paying for my hair extravaganza, so...

Friday, August 03, 2007


Here is what is consuming me these days, in no order of preference or importance:

1. The Ribbed V-Neck Sweater from Fitted Knits by Stefanie Japel in Black Cascade Pastaza. Yummy, yummy yarn, I will use it again. I knit the body in my Knit Picks Options circulars; have I said lately how much I love them? They are so much better (for me) than Addis. Pointier, I like a pointy needle, I do. The sleeves? I was going to try to Magic Loop them, but in the end, I decided to follow the pattern and knit them flat with a seam. I am such a by-the-book sort of girl. I am using some Serendipity Needles (birch) that I bought on my Anniversary weekend at Adirondack Yarns in Lake Placid. They have funky polymer finials on the ends. Pretty.

2. I will be starting this one (#5!) today. I am slowly catching up, but I find myself slowing down, because I don't want the story to end. This one, I am especially looking forward to, because I haven't seen the movie yet, and so it will all be new to me. The others I had seen the films, so there were large parts that seemed familiar.

3. Shark Week--need I say more? Good knitting television.

4. The smallest of the small puppies--Delilah asleep on Cooper's bed. She is a good puppy, but still, a puppy and is a lot of work!

5. My hair. I want a hair cut. I need a style. I am tired of the easy way out, the all one length no effort look. I want something polished, professional, something that says I take the time to care about myself. Dare I say it? I want to be high maintenance. I like the one in the middle of the bottom row, but of course, my color, not blonde. (I can't do that high maintenance!)

6. And last but not least, I am planning a Girls' Movie Night here at the new house for my closest friends. Eight giggly girls and the big screen TV, what could be more fun? Oh, I know! If it had a theme to it...I can't say anymore until afterward, because Amy needs to be surprised.