Crochet Cheat
It's like the Cecilia de Bucourt (if you click the link, search for shawl) shawl that Jessica Simpson has made so famous--so just accept the fact that I have jumped on the celebrity worship bandwagon and get over it, okay? This one is my absolute favorite color--PINK!--and it was ridiculously cheap on clearance. So cheap I won't even cop to it. The real thang goes for $200!! Seriously, this was soooo cheap. Here it is up close so you can see the pattern better...
It is just so pretty, I had to have it. The fact that I cannot crochet to save my life and would have had a nervous breakdown trying to make it for myself added to the splurge. Not to mention the ri-god-darn-diculous price that just pushed me over the edge. Seriously...I couldn't have bought the yarn for that price! You have to love it...really, you do. This photo is pretty true to its awesome bright, Bazooka pink color. I'm gonna wear it with, like, every thing I own. (Come to think of it...I should have bought another for when I wear this one out. Or for Christmas gifts...oooh, maybe I should go back and get the other three? But then I won't be the only one of my girlfriends with the cool shawl. Nah, gonna hog it all to myself...I am a horrible, horrible friend.)
No knitting has happened since my mother was here. No writing either. And no writing will happen today either. It is gorgeous out and I am pale. Need to lay out and soak up some sun. Knitting this evening will be happening though I can promise you...
I do feel guilty for my store-bought shawl. I really do...
okay, only a little bit.
Deal with it!
[okay, okay, you dragged it out of me. $6.99 at Burlington Coat Factory--can you believe it?]