Well, we are here and having a good time. My husband still has to attend his classes each day from 7am to 4pm, and the boys and I are just hanging out at his apartment which is nicer than our house! I keep joking that I am not going home.
It is very peaceful and relaxing here...no real chores to do, there is a dishwasher, and
a maid on Wednesdays !!, so, lots of time to just relax.
We arrived late on Thursday evening. Got lost. Had a small anxiety attack on the bridge, but nothing I couldn't get through. Now that I know what to expect, the ride home will be easier, I hope. Got really annoyed with how poorly roads, and by roads I mean major highways, are marked down here...in New York, things are marked out so even an idiot could find their way. [Exit 8-- 1 mile, Exit 8-- 1/2 mile, Exit 8--1/4 mile, Exit 8--1/8 mile, Exit 8--
Right here by this BIG ARROW right before the exit ramp]. In Virginia, you get maybe one sign, and the arrow for the exit ramp is very unhelpfully placed AFTER the exit ramp, so you could miss it and drive right by before you see it in all of its smallness.
I was merging into major traffic on an entrance ramp when I rounded a corner to find my lane being reduced very quickly by big orange barrels into the slow lane that was packed full of cars, no warning, no sign. I clipped one of the barrels and almost hit a construction worker. Oh, and did I mention that it was DARK and also RAINING at the time?? No signs...no lights--just all of a sudden, no where to go, and people in the road.
Friday, we just hung out around the apartment while Alan was at class. I needed to chill after all the stress the night before! That evening, we took the boys out to dinner at
Fuddruckers which they loved. Saturday, we got up early and headed to Virginia Beach (about 20 minutes away) to the
Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science CenterWhile we were there, the boys got to pet Sting-Rays and Skates in their interactive touch pool.
They begged me to touch too, but alas, I am a chicken and could not bring myself to do it. It was amazing to watch though, because the rays love to be touched...they come right up to the side of the pool and poke their little heads out of the water and beg you to pet them...just like cats or dogs. It was really interesting and I am sure the boys will be talking about it for years to come.
After the aquarium, we took a drive up Atlantic Avenue in Virginia Beach to check out the action and see where
our hotel is for next weekend. It looked good, and I am sure that we will have a great time there. Just what we need before we head home on Monday.
When we got back to the apartment, we hit the pool for a bit, then went out to dinner at
a place we have seen advertised a million times up in New York, even though the closest one to our house is in Pennsylvania. The verdict? Very cool, good food, affordable...a hit for everyone involved!
Yesterday, we went into downtown Norfolk to take a tour of the USS Wisconsin, a huge warship that totally blew the boys away. Connor spent the entire time looking for orbs of light and other evidence of a haunting. I think he watches too much
Most Haunted on the Travel Channel! They have a very nice museum there as well, called
The Hampton Roads Naval Museum. It was nice afternoon. We came home, ate a delicious BBQ chicken dinner, and then played XBox 360 and knit.
You can guess who did what.
I brought Clapotis with me, but haven't touched it. Instead, I cast on for a pair of socks for The Bug. I would post a picture of that, and also of the Wisconsin, but the truth is that the camera is down in the car (three flights of stairs) and I am too lazy to go get it. Later, I will send one of my minions down there and post some pictures.
I did order color cards of the KnitPicks yarns I am considering for My
Rhinebeck Sweater (separate links, one for Rhinebeck and one for the sweater pattern).
So now I can maybe choose a yarn. I am considering the
KnitPicks Swish Superwash and also their Wool of the Andes. I've used
Wool of the Andes before and liked it.
Of course, that just adds more colorways to choose from!